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Writer's pictureTina Carter


When you are in Cancerworld things are harder. Who knows if that is because we are emotionally overwhelmed, or because we are exhausted, or if it is because we are trying to dig through solid rock to get anything accomplished. And no matter what the cause, things are harder.

Which means that if you are a type A person used to getting everything done in the exact time frame that you believe to be the most efficient you may find yourself in new territory.

And if you are neurodivergent and cannot function in a "typical" fashion you may find your normal ways of being in the world are interrupted.

Which means that the effort you are willing to put in on any given day will vary. Some days you may not be able to do things that you used to breeze through. The only helpful advise one can offer is to try and be gentle with yourself. Recognize that you are trying to put down roots through rock and that is much tougher than growing roots in rich soil. And when you have motivation to do something and you want to spend the motivation doing something fun instead of calling insurance maybe recognize that experiencing fun can help us in the long run too.

Remember that in Cancerworld everything seems important. And, truthfully a lot of things are important. And yet we can only manage the things we can manage. And being willing to let things go may be the trick to living in the midst of this stark landscape.

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